Watching friend after friend stress over buying a property and in some cases, either paying too much, or not noticing problems with the property they bought, I decided to enlist the help of Kim Easterbrook, on the recommendation of a friend.
At first, I was hesitant to part with extra cash for the associated fees, but it did not take me long to realise that it was buying expertise and knowledge I couldn’t possibly hope to acquire anywhere else, not quick enough to be able to use in the short term especially. At a time when a few weeks delay meant paying significantly more, or living further out than desired, getting something quick was essential. And engaging Kim’s service was the smartest decision I could have made. There were two similar properties, which Kim advised the first, being my best bet and last chance before having to consider other suburbs.
Based on that, I went with her expert advice. Within a day she had all the necessary checks done on legals and inspections, with the auction pending that weekend, there definitely was no time to waste. Her auction strategy saved me 50 thousand on what I was willing to pay, and the following week saw the other property I was interested in go for more than 100 thousand on top of what I paid. She more than earned the fee on what she saved me, not only on price, but time and stress. Most importantly, I didn’t miss out and didn’t have to resort to living in second choice suburbs.
Anybody looking to buy a property would be mad to not consider Kim’s service in my opinion.